Senin, 27 Juli 2009

Theme Song of Spongebob squarepants

Are your ready, kids??
Aye, Aye Captain!!
I can't hear youuuuuuu!
AYE, AYE CAPTAIN!!!!!! Ooooooooooh,

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
SpongeBob SquarePants
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!
SpongeBob Squarepants
If nautical nonsense be something you wish
SpongeBob Squarepants
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish
SpongeBob Squarepants Ready??

SpongeBob Squarepants
SpongeBob Squarepants
SpongeBob Squarepants
SpongeBobbbbbbbbbb SquarePants

Flute: Toot-Toot-Toot-Toot Toot-Toot Toot-Toot Laughing

Kamis, 18 Juni 2009


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SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series and media franchise. It is currently Nickelodeon's, and is among Nicktoons Network's most-watched shows. Although its original network is Nickelodeon, SpongeBob is now broadcast around the world. It was created by artist, animator and former marine biologist Stephen Hillenburg, and is produced through his production company, United Plankton Pictures, Inc. It is the second longest-running Nicktoon, next to the Rugrats.

The series is set in the Pacific Ocean, in the fictional city of Bikini Bottom and on the surrounding lagoon floor. The pilot episode first aired in the United States on Nickelodeon after the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards on May 1, 1999. The "official" series premiere followed on July 17, 1999, with the second episode, "Bubblestand/Ripped Pants."

The series star is a character who is a sea sponge, but in shape and color his body more closely resembles a kitchen sponge. The show reached popularity shortly after the beginning of its second season and has remained popular since. In 2007, TIME magazine named it one of the greatest television shows of all time.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

› Emo Kids

The term for the teenagers who listen emocore is emo kids. The society thinks about them as failures; they are not strong enough to hide their emotions, they're sensitive, shy, introverted, and often quiet. Usually, Emo kids like to express their feeling writing poems about their problems with depression, confusion, and anger; all because the world fails to understand them. Emo poetry uses a combination of any of: a highly emotional tone, stream of consciousness writing, a simple (ABAB) or nonexistent rhyme scheme, references to the flesh, especially the heart, heavy use of dark or depressing adjectives, and concern over the mutability of time, love or both. Themes such as life is pain are common. You can check some 'emo poems' on our forum! Altough life is already very hard for them, emo kids have to suffer for even more society prosecution because of their condition. The term 'emo' itself is used nowadays as an insult. Adressed to a person means they are 'overly emotional'. Emocore is compared with pop boy bands of 1990s. Critics cast the music as lacking any artistic merit and that the fashion is just ... a fashion used to drive girls attention. The ones who are emo not because they feel it, but because they like to be trendy are named 'posers'. A big percent of the current emo subculture is formed by posers. Emo subculture is acused that it is celebrating self-harm. As i've said before many fail to understand that those are only fake emos (rawrr you bastards, get away from here); actually i have no rights to judge them even if most of us suffer because of them.

Emo Corner Fan Pictures!

emo girl picture

The Term emo

When you are refering to someone has being emo, you are usually are stating that they are sensitive, or have a emotional personality. emo truely is a type of music that started in the eightys and is rapidly moving back in its popularity. It's a sub genre of punk music which has grown to be more popular then punk it's self. Each and every day more and more emo bands are coming out. However, emo most commonly is refered to as a type of fashion.

What is the Definition of Emo?

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009

Emo, Lebih Dari Sekedar Musik

Lihat Gambar
Emo Style

Akhir-akhir ini banyak terdengar istilah 'emo.' Musik emo, gaya pakaian emo, potongan rambut emo, bahkan gaya hidup emo. Jika kita mengakses situs dan memilih kategori emo, maka akan muncul ratusan tampilan pola halaman yang kebanyakan dihiasi dengan warna-warna gelap, suram, didominasi hitam, abu-abu, putih, dan merah darah. Dilengkapi dengan gambar orang dengan smokey eyes, rambut menutupi mata, dan biasanya menunjukkan bahwa mereka sedang patah hati dan putus asa. Tetapi, apakah sebenarnya 'emo' itu? Apakah melulu gaya berpakaian yang saat ini lagi in di kalangan anak muda itu?

Lebih Dekat Dengan Emo

Hampir serupa dengan punk dan rock, emo sekarang dikenal sebagai suatu keadaan emosional. Istilah emo sendiri dianggap sebagai sebuah budaya, kata itu adalah singkatan dari kata 'emotional' (emosional). Emo sendiri ternyata bukan hanya sebuah sikap, namun juga fashion yang terpengaruh dari musik emo (emocore).

Emo adalah Aliran Musik

Emocore adalah perpaduan dari hardcore dan musik punk yang sangat populer di Washington DC pada akhir era 80-an. Budaya emo akhirnya terus berkembang antara dekade 90-an hingga 2000-an hingga mencapai popularitasnya saat ini.


Pertengahan 80-an, istilah emo menggambarkan sub genre hardcore punk yang berakar dari musik Washington DC. Pada perkembangannya, istilah emocore yang merupakan kependekan dari emotional hardcore, akhirnya digunakan untuk menggambarkan penampilan band-band di Washington DC yang sangat emosional misalnya Rites of Spring, Embrace, atau Moss Icon.

Di pertengahan 90-an, istilah emo mulai merujuk pada genre indie yang mendapatkan pengaruh dari Fugazi yang dianggap sebagai emo first wave.

Band-band seperti Sunny Day Real Estate dan Texas is the Reason menunjukkan gaya emo indie rock yang lebih menunjukkan melodi mereka daripada kekacauannya.

Yang saat ini sedang populer adalah band-band seperti Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Panic at the Disco, dan Paramore yang juga disebut sebagai band emo walaupun gaya musik mereka memang cukup berbeda dengan band-band emo sebelumnya.


Emo adalah Gaya Berpakaian

Namun emo sepertinya telah berkembang jauh melampaui dunia musik saja. Emo sekarang malah lebih sering dihubungkan dengan fashion daripada musik.

Istilah emo ini kadang kala langsung dirujuk pada jeans ketat yang dipakai cowok dan cewek juga, poni rambut yang panjang dan disisir ke satu sisi wajah dan menutupi salah satu atau malah kedua mata. Potongan rambutnya lurus, kaos ketat (biasanya berlengan pendek) bertuliskan nama-nama band emo, ikat pinggang berkepala besar, sepatu kanvas atau sepatu hitam yang sering kali nampak tua dan lusuh, dilengkapi dengan kaca mata berbingkai hitam tebal.Gaya berpakaian ini disebut dengan istilah fad.


Emo adalah Gaya Hidup

Belakangan, media menghubung-hubungkan emo dengan stereotype seperti emosional, sensitif, pemalu, tertutup, atau cepat tersinggung. Parahnya, mereka juga menghubung-hubungkan karakter emo dengan depresi, suka melukai diri sendiri, dan bunuh diri.

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